【例】Winds are the natural way of balancing uneven distribution of air pressure over the earth. 風是平衡地球氣壓分配不均的自然方式。//A balanced meal consists of five key elements: proteins, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins and minerals. 平衡的膳食包括五個關鍵的要素:蛋白質、碳水化合物、脂肪、維生素和礦物質。
【記】和daily(ad. 每天)一起記
【例】He made a dramatic shift from the classical tradition to the arts and crafts movement. 他做出了一個從古典傳統(tǒng)到工藝美術運動的戲劇性轉變。//Dramatic activities require the use of costumes. 戲劇活動需要使用戲裝。
maritime [mrtam] a. 海的;航海的
【例】She convinced the man to apply to graduate school. 她說服了這名男子向研究生院提出申請。
【例】The fireplace had pivoting metal rods to hang pots. 壁爐有繞軸旋轉的金屬棒來懸掛鍋。
syllable [slbl] n. 音節(jié)
interpret [ntrprt] v. 解釋(explain);理解(comprehend);表現(xiàn)
【派】envelope(n. 包層;信封)
budget [bdt] n. 預算
【派】specialization(n. 專門化,特殊化)
sapphire [sfar] n. 藍寶石
【例】Cantor, at the age of 50, hada world-wide reputation as a cell biologist. 坎托在50歲的時候成為了聞名遐邇的細胞生物學家。