【派】manifestation(n. 顯示,表明)
fold [fold] n. 褶皺(pleat)v. 合攏(bend)
【搭】quench one's thirst 解渴;quench a fire/flames 滅火
Do you speak Chinese?
I can speak in English.
Chinese English French
Italian German Spanish
Portuguese Japanese Korean
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I am proficient in English, and I can speak a little German.
English language proficiency text 英語測試
I speak only a little English.
I can speak a little Chinese.
It‘s broken.
Well, sorry, I speak broken Enlgish.
Forgive my broken English.
My English still needs work.
How long have you been studying Spanish?
I have been studying English for two years.
I started to learn English since two years ago.
What is your mother tongue?
mother tongue
mother language
native language
I’m a Beijing native.
Beijing Native in New York
Shanghai Native in Tokyo.
Chinese is my native language.
Italian is her native language, but she speaks French fluently too.
One of the most basic moral values for Americans is honesty. The well-known legend about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly. Little George cut down his father\'s favorite cherry tree while trying out his new hatchet. When his father asked him about it, George said, \"I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet.\" Instead of punishment, George received praise for telling the truth. Sometimes American honesty-being open and direct-can offend people. But Americans still believe that \"honesty is the best .\"
【例】They are having a brief staff meeting. 他們正在開一個簡短的職員會議。
【例】I know many of you are already at the forefront of the work place technology. 我知道你們很多人已經(jīng)處于車間技術的前沿領先水平。
In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities
【例】Murray's essays transcended the boundaries of her world in recognizing the need for training women to earn their own living. 莫里的論文超越了她所在的視野,認識到了培訓女性使其自謀生計的需要。
dramatic [drmtk] a. 引人注目的(*striking);戲劇性的(theatrical);生動的(vivid)
【參】customary(a. 合乎慣例的)