針對于沖分學員(也就是對于科學類文章能夠很容易碾壓的學員),老師建議在備考的初期,從College Board 提及的Founding Documents 即"美國憲政精神"相關的文章,包括但不僅限于美國憲法,以及其他保護婦女兒童的法案等。
(句子內(nèi)部可以多拐幾個彎,而整個文章的觀點要清楚,要么對比鮮明,要么干脆一邊倒。如果你在文章各大段落使用太多的yet, however, but,反而會把考官弄糊涂了,不知道你到底轉了幾次彎,而直接把你的作文判死刑。)
Assignment: Which do you think contributes more to personal happiness: what happens to you or the way you respond to what happens? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,
Who are they? They are John’s classmates.他們是誰? 他們是約翰的同學。
Dialogue 4
M: Dalian is a beautiful city. Do you agree?
W: I suppose I do.
M: The climate here is pleasant.
W: They use said it
M: This city is really comfortable to living.
W: It sure is
M: No other city can match it. It\'s heaven.
W: If you live in other as long enough you love them just as much.
M: Maybe.
W: That\'s for sure.
W:No, no.It\'s not fair to say I disapprove,disappointed perhaps.But anyway nothing I say is likely to make any differcene, is it? I mean you’ve major mind up already, havn’t you? It’s just that, well, I always thought that we’ll turn out differently. We always had particular way of lifedone certain things, movex into certain circle. No I don’t disapprove.
8. A grocery customer spent a total of $9.60 for ground beef and coffee. The coffee cost 2 times as much per pound as the ground beef, and the customer bought 3 times as many pounds of ground beef as pounds of coffee. How much, in dollars, did the customer spend on coffee?
倉央嘉措曾寫下這樣的詞句:曾慮多情損梵行, 入山又恐別傾城 。對于很多中學生來說,也是一項 修為 與 意趣 不可得兼的苦旅。 這二者是否可以兩全呢?能否在輕松有趣的學習中獲得所需的能量呢?
ing in a natural tone, using figures of speech sparingly and omitting needless words.