['klkwaiz]a. 順時針方向的;ad. 順時針方向地
The collection of our school library is 200% up compared with 1998.
【例】blood clot 血凝塊
10,000,000=ten million
【例】 She needs a bag for her head; she\'s so ugly, she\'s bobbing for fries. [Louina State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1999]
【例】The company was paid a sum of money by an insurance agent as compensation for its loss in a fire. 那家公司從保險公司那里得到一筆火災損失賠償。
有些單詞雖然乍一看不認識,但是仔細看看卻是兩個單詞拼接而成的復合詞,例如 The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term 'echolocation' to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments.(C7T1P1)這句話當中看似生僻的單詞echolocation其實可以拆分成echo(n. 回聲)和location(n. 位置、定位)兩個單詞,那么自然echolocation就是指"回聲定位"了。
空氣aeration(n. 通風)
cessible part of the sky and recorded what he saw. 他將望遠鏡指向天空中所有可以達到的地方,并將看到的記錄下來。
The clue for the event, \"Hey Siri, give us a hint\" suggests that Siri may be involved. We\'d previously heard that HomeKit wouldn\'t be a big part of the launch, but the location, the Siri tie-in and the capacity of this event imply there has to be something beyond updated iPhone devices, a new Apple TV and the launch of watchOS 2.0.
10,000,000,000=ten billion
【例】Everytime when you leave your house, make sure the windows and doors are shut, and set the burglar alarm. 每次出門時都應確定門窗已關(guān)好,并打開了防盜警鈴。
The line graph shows the variation in the percentage of households that owned no car, one car and two or more cars in Britain during a 40-year period from 1961 to 2001.
to begin 從頭開始