overtime [ovrtam] a. 超時的,加班的 ad. 加班地
eccentric [ksentrk] a. 古怪的;反常的(odd, abnormal)n. 古怪的人
bind [band] v. 使結合,綁(tie, fasten);裝訂
【參】post(v. 郵寄);most(a. 最多的)
John can do it, if anyone can.有人能做此事,那約翰了。
notation [noten] n. 符號
counterpart [kantrprt] n. 相對物,極相似之人或物(one remarkably similar to another);副本(duplicate)
B: Yeah, do you know if they needanyone at that place where you worked last summer?
Chris: If you need help, don\'t hesitate to ask me.
Bonnie:I\'d be very glad if you would help.
Chris: I\'d like to wish you every success in your new venture.
Bonnie:Thank you.
Chris: Good luck to you.
我可以試穿嗎? Can I try this on?
換衣間在哪? Where is the fitting room?
能給我看看另一件嗎?Could you show me another one?
我能看一下這個包嗎? Could you show me this bag?
我想退掉它。I’d like to return this
能換個新的嗎? Could you change it for a new one?
我要3個這樣的。I’d like three same as this.
太貴啦。It’s too expensive for me
我能買它免稅嗎?Can I buy it tax-free?
是不是帳單有錯誤。Is there a mistake in this bill?
我能得到些折扣嗎?Can I get a little discount?
你們接受旅行支票嗎?Do you accept traveler’s checks?
Talking about being pretty, our company’s new secretary is indeed a lulu.
3.兩面派 two-faced
【例】There are hordes of traders at the jumble sale today. 今天的舊貨義賣會上有很多交易者。
【例】Colds are prevalent in the winter. 感冒在冬天流行。